Does your Elevator Door Need a Face Lift?

We can transform old doors that look like this (on the left) into beautiful new doors (on the right). We can create a brand new door to fit your existing entrance. Want to give your old doors a face lift? We can re-clad your old doors with beautiful new stainless steel or bronze finishes.
Being in the business for so long we have seen some bad looking doors. Let Dural Door be your door supplier for future operations. Our doors are made to last through the toughest conditions. Why spend money every year repairing your existing door? Buy one made to last the first time.
We manufacture every entrance and any door to fit your existing space. One, two, or three speed slide entrances, swing, or double swing entrances, and freight entrances. We've done many freight conversions to passenger elevators as well. Just this year in 2017 we began making sidewalk elevator entrances.
Email or call (718)-729-1333 for a quote or more information today.